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釋迦牟尼 शाक्यमुनि Śākyamuni 釈迦
釋迦牟尼 शाक्यमुनि Śākyamuni 釈迦


釋迦牟尼(梵語:शाक्यमुनि,Śākyamuni,意為「釋迦族之聖者」),本名喬達摩·悉達多(前563/480年—前483/400年,巴利語:Siddhāttha Gotama;梵語:सिद्धार्थ गौतम,Siddhārtha Gautama),古南亞地區的思想家、教育家、宗教家、哲學家、婆羅門教的改革家,佛教奠基人;稱號為釋迦牟尼佛(梵語:Buddha Śākyamuni)、喬達摩佛(梵語:Gautama Buddha)、佛陀(意思為「覺悟者」)、世尊、釋尊等;又簡稱釋迦文佛、釋迦如來、釋迦佛,(「釋迦」是其種族名,意為「能仁」,「牟尼」則是古梵文對於聖者的尊稱,意為「寂默」)。釋迦牟尼出生於今尼泊爾南部的王族家庭,為剎帝利種姓。









Siddhartha Gautama, most commonly referred to as the Buddha ("the awakened"), was a wandering ascetic and religious teacher who lived in South Asia during the 6th or 5th century BCE and founded Buddhism.

According to Buddhist tradition, he was born in Lumbini, in what is now Nepal, to royal parents of the Shakya clan, but renounced his home life to live as a wandering ascetic (Sanskrit: śramaṇa). After leading a life of begging, asceticism, and meditation, he attained enlightenment at Bodh Gaya in what is now India. The Buddha thereafter wandered through the lower Indo-Gangetic Plain, teaching and building a monastic order. He taught a Middle Way between sensual indulgence and severe asceticism, leading to Nirvana, that is, freedom from ignorance, craving, rebirth, and suffering. His teachings are summarized in the Noble Eightfold Path, a training of the mind that includes ethical training and meditative practices such as sense restraint, kindness toward others, mindfulness, and jhana/dhyana (meditation proper). He died in Kushinagar, attaining parinirvana. The Buddha has since been venerated by numerous religions and communities across Asia.

A couple of centuries after his death, he came to be known by the title Buddha, which means "Awakened One" or "Enlightened One." His teachings were compiled by the Buddhist community in the Vinaya, his codes for monastic practice, and the Sutta Piṭaka, a compilation of teachings based on his discourses. These were passed down in Middle Indo-Aryan dialects through an oral tradition. Later generations composed additional texts, such as systematic treatises known as Abhidharma, biographies of the Buddha, collections of stories about his past lives known as Jataka tales, and additional discourses, i.e., the Mahayana sutras.


釈迦(しゃか、旧字体: 釋迦、サンスクリット語: शाक्यमुनि、Śākyamuni)は、北インドの人物で、仏教の開祖。ただし、存命していた時代については後述の通り紀元前7世紀、紀元前6世紀、紀元前5世紀など複数の説があり、正確な生没年は分かっていない。

姓名はサンスクリット語の発音に基づいた表記ではガウタマ・シッダールタ(梵: गौतम सिद्धार्थ Gautama Siddhārtha)、パーリ語の発音に基づいてゴータマ・シッダッタ(巴: Gotama Siddhattha)とも表記される。漢訳では瞿曇悉達多(くどんしっだった)である。



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